Manifest with Your Period

Society tells you that the mood swings you have right before your period are a result of your hormones, that you’re “just hormonal” and there’s nothing you can do about it except suck it up and learn to deal.   

But how?  In Manifest with Your Period you get all the tools and guidance you need to master your hormonal fluctuations and get off that emotional roller coaster.

If fact, you will see that you aren’t “just hormonal”

You’re an intentional being and nothing here is happening by coincidence.  Everything serves a purpose, including your mood swings.  The difficult emotions that come up around your period show you exactly what’s holding you back from having everything you want.

In this program you will learn exactly what’s going with your hormones and how they’re influencing you and your ability to create.

You will know how to move with your hormones to amplify your manifestation abilities, whether that is tapping into clarity around what you want, tuning into your gut instinct to take inspired action, getting into receptive mode or identifying what you don’t want.  

This is for you if you’re ready to turn that emotional roller coaster into intuitive insight and guidance, cut through the emotional blocks that are holding you back, and discover what you really want.



What People Are Saying:

...helped me see that embracing the phases of my cycle.. and adjusting to be more inline with what my body needs can be truly empowering


I purchased your course and it's been absolutely brilliant!


I'm truly shocked. I always thought I was crazy, having "different personalities"

More women should be aware of the power of harnessing our cycle....periods are seen as something to dread because it interferes with our schedule. It takes away from the power of our cycle.

$199.00 USD