Detox Tea For Indigestion

This Detox Tea recipe that I'll be sharing with you is full of carminatives. It is great for soothing and cleansing the digestive tract.  


  • ¼ teaspoon whole cumin seeds
  • ½ teaspoon whole coriander seeds
  • ½ teaspoon whole fennel seeds
  • One inch of fresh ginger root (if you are a pitta type you might want to avoid if it is creating excess heat) 


  • Boil 4 cups of water, add ingredients, remove from heat. 
  • Steep covered for 10 minutes. 
  • Strain and keep in a thermos to drink throughout the day. 
  • If the tea feels too strong or light you can adjust the herbs according to your taste. 

Click here to grab a copy of the Detox Tea Recipes. 


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