How I healed my knee injuries naturally


Twenty years ago I was told the damage to my knees from dance injuries was irreversible.

I had the knees of a 65 year old in my late 20’s, and knee surgery was going to be my best option.

I tried everything, was in and out of physio for years, nothing was helping. It hurt to climb stairs, I was walking around my house in orthopedic shoes and knee braces.

That’s when my do finally said to me, I think you have to give up the idea of ever dancing again, your knees are only going to get worse.

I was heartbroken, dance is my passion, it’s when I feel alive.

I remember thinking, No. You don’t decide what happens to my body, I do. I know there’s a part of me that can fix this.

And with that resolve I was determined to figure out what needed to be done and committed to doing whatever it took to reverse the damage.

Today I run my own dance school, I dance 8 hours a week, go to the gym, do yoga, and walk regularly. And, I can ride a bike pain free, something I could never even dream of doing in my 20’s.

When it came to healing, I didn’t know what needed to be done, but I knew that if I could tap into the part of me that desired to heal and dance, I would know exactly what to do.

I didn’t know it at the time, but what I was doing was tapping into flow state. I was rising above the situation to tap into my own internal power to create the outcome I desired.

The more I surrendered to the belief my body could heal, the more everything just seemed to fall into place and I got the exact guidance and support I needed in order to heal.

It wasn’t about the remedies or the methods, because anyone can try those and they all work differently for each person.

It was about me believing in the outcome and following the exact right things for my unique healing process.

It was about staying in that frequency no matter what was happening on the outside.

And this is the power you harness for yourself in the Flow and Thrive membership.

This membership is the place to be if you want to be in the frequency of your desire and stay there.

This is about knowing you are greater than your circumstance and getting the guidance you need to harness that power with you.

You will get the support you need to tap into your own internal capabilities to create exactly what you desire in life whether it’s health, love, or business.

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