This Is How You Create Your Reality

Apr 11, 2024

If you're ready to be unstoppable in manifesting what you want, Manifestation Codes is here.

In this transformative program you will know exactly what you need to do to manifest everything you want.

This is one month, 4 live trainings, 4 group sessions, and Q&A.



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The problem most people have when it comes to manifesting...

Apr 10, 2024
The problem most people have when it comes to manifesting what they want is that they don’t know why they don’t have it.

You spend all this time reading books, watching videos, trying to create differently without knowing the exact one thing that would change everything.

The one thing that will get you your manifestation, fast.

This  is because the resources you’re accessing aren’t pinpointing without a shadow of a doubt, the reason you don’t have what you want.

They’re giving you all the things you need to create what you want, but they aren’t showing you what’s stopping you from actually doing it.

In my world, within minutes of our first session I can see exactly what’s blocking you from having what you want, and what you need to do to release it.

And this is what happens in my 1:1 containers.

I read your energy to see what is out of alignment and what needs to be done to align you with your desires.

And when you align to...
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I see it all the time, people feeling frustrated...

Apr 09, 2024

I see it all the time, people feeling frustrated not having their desire.

Yet, and so you just want to release it out into the universe and forget about it, but then you don't feel good doing that either.

That's because letting go in this way is not what gets your desire.

In fact, holding on to the desire isn't the reason you don't have it.

The reason you don't have it is because you're also holding resistance.

When you release all resistance nothing can keep you from having what you want.

In Manifestation Codes I break down exactly how to that so you can manifest your desires, fast. 

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The problem most people have when it comes to manifesting

Apr 08, 2024

The problem most people have when it comes to manifesting what they want is that they don’t know why they don’t have it.

You spend all this time reading books, watching videos, trying to create differently without knowing the exact one thing that would change everything.

The one thing that will get you your manifestation, fast.

This is because the resources you’re accessing aren’t pinpointing without a shadow of a doubt, the reason you don’t have what you want.

They’re giving you all the things you need to create what you want, but they aren’t showing you what’s stopping you from actually doing it.

In my world, within minutes of our first session I can see exactly what’s blocking you from having what you want, and what you need to do to release it.

And this is what happens in my 1:1 containers.

I read your energy to see what is out of alignment and what needs to be done to align you with your desires.

And when you align to your...

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This is the key to manifestation....

Apr 06, 2024
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The more you act form a place of authenticity, the easier it is to attract what you desire...

Apr 06, 2024

The more you act form a place of authenticity, the easier it is to attract what you desire.

You’re taking the prescribed path because that what makes sense, doing what everyone else is doing.

Forcing yourself to do things that don’t come naturally to you because that’s what other’s have done to achieve success. You’re following the guidance of all the internet guru’s not understanding why you’ve been working so hard in your business and not finding success.

Doing all the “right” things but still not attracting the man you truly desire.

You find yourself efforting, working hard, feeling drained, and eventually completely unmotivated.

You feel like you’re getting it all wrong, like you’re missing something because you’ve done all the right things and you still haven’t got the success, the wealth or the man you want.

This is because it’s not about what you do, it’s about how you feel when you’re...

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How to Use Dreams to Manifest

Apr 05, 2024
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When a part of you doesn't feel ready for your desires, you hold them away....

Apr 05, 2024

When a part of you doesn’t feel ready for your desires, without even realizing you hold them away.

You feel like there’s something more you need to do, or learn to become closer to what you desire.

Instead of feeling like you’re ready for your business to explode, you feel like you need one more certification or course, some sort of external validation to confirm that you are one step closer.

Your ideal body always feels like it’s always just one more fad diet away from being yours.

Your perfect partner would finally love you and see you when you fix that one last thing about yourself.

It’s almost like you’ve created a list of criteria in your mind that you must meet to finally get what you want.

And that list can feel never ending, like there’s always one more thing to do or fix before you’re really there and ready.

You feeling this way separates you from your desire, and when you’re separate from your desire, you can’t have it.


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The Universe is Not Testing You

Apr 04, 2024
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The work I do with my clients has less to do with affirmations, journaling, and visualizations...

Apr 04, 2024
Here’s the truth, the work I do with my clients has less to do with affirmations, journaling, and visualizations.
Don’t get me wrong there are so many benefits to things like meditation, journaling, and affirmations, but those things don’t actually get you what you want.
You don’t come out of a meditation to suddenly find the love of your life sitting in your living room, or millions in your bank account.
Of  course those things make you feel amazing and powerful in the moment, but as the day progresses and you haven’t got what you want and that feeling diminishes.
What actually gets results is knowing exactly why don’t have your desires already.
It’s knowing what to do differently throughout your day, between your meditations and journaling, to keep that energy going.
Because what actually manifests your desire is your ability to hold the energy until your desire is a reality.
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Free Masterclass:

Turn Up Your Magnetism

[Because you want what you want and it's time to have it]

  • Get practical techniques to level up your magnetism

  •  You will shift your frequency making you irresistibly attractive to your desires 

  •  You will know exactly how to align your energy to ensure your desire is done

Become that "lucky" person who seems to have it all